
View3D ---- A 3D Viewer

View3D is a 3D Viewer Degigned by me, it can realize rotation, translation, scaling, selection of a 3D model. It support obj file format, which means it can load and save 3D mesh models by obj file format.

I use halfedge mesh structure in the software, and I also realize my undergraduate thesis project "Progressive Mesh" under this software.

This Software is designed by OpenGL, anyone who want to get source can emai me :

Flollowing is Screen Capture of Software View3D:

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How To Compile OpenCV in Linux

Under Linux, how to compile OpenCV with some libraries not in standard path ?

  • The solution is to use the CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS environment variables at configure time. For example, if you have ffmpeg library in one you your own directories, you can do (all on one command line):

  • ./configure CFLAGS=-I/where/is/ffmpeg/include CPPFLAGS=-I/where/is/ffmpeg/include LDFLAGS=-L/where/is/ffmpeg/lib

How to compile C samples under Linux ?

  • If OpenCV is installed in a standard path, you can quickly compile all the C samples with:

  • cd /where/you/have/the/c/samples

  • sh ./build_all.sh

    If OpenCV is not installed in a standard path, you need to setup the PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable. For example (assuming you are using a sh-based shell, like bash or zsh):

  • cd /where/you/have/the/c/samples

  • PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/where/you/have/installed/opencv/lib/pkgconfig:${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}

  • export PKG_CONFIG_PATH

  • sh ./build_all.sh

    You can check that the PKG_CONFIG_PATH is correct by doing either:

  • pkg-config --cflags opencv

  • pkg-config --libs opencv

    You must have something like:

  • $ pkg-config --cflags opencv

  • -I/where/you/have/installed/opencv/include/opencv

  • $ pkg-config --libs opencv

  • -L/com/softs/opencv-cvs/cvs-dev-i686/lib -lcxcore -lcv -lhighgui -lcvaux

How can I compile and link some OpenCV based program under Linux ?

  • The best way is to use pkg-config. Just define the correct PKG_CONFIG_PATH:

  • PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/where/you/have/installed/opencv/lib/pkgconfig:${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}

  • export PKG_CONFIG_PATH

    And then, compile your program like:

  • gcc `pkg-config --cflags opencv` `pkg-config --libs opencv` -o my-opencv-prgm my-opencv-prgm.c

    or simply:

  • gcc `pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv` -o my-opencv-prgm my-opencv-prgm.c

  • if that fails try:

  • gcc -I/home/intel/opencv/include -L/home/intel/opencv/lib -lopencv -lhighgui -lstdc++ opencv0.c -o opencv0

What if I get an error about OpenCV libraries when running a program?

If, after following the instructions above, your program compiles, but gives an error message that a library cannot be found when it is run, on Fedora systems:

  • create a file called opencv.conf in /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ which contains the path to your opencv libraries (by default /usr/local/lib).

  • become root and run ldconfig.

Or, add the location of the OpenCV libraries to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH (should work on most systems including Fedora)



1. 摄像头的安装
在Linux下常用的摄像头驱动是spca5xx, 这是一个通用驱动,读者可以在以下网站下到这个驱动 http://mxhaard.free.fr/download.html。这个网站还给出了这款驱动支持
的摄像头的种类。另外,ov511芯片直接就支持Linux,使用者款芯片的摄像头有网眼V2000。我使用的是网眼V2000的摄像头,和Z-Star 301p+现代7131R芯片的摄像头。后一
2. 摄像头的调试
3. Video4Linux 编程获取数据。
现有的video4linux有两个版本,v4l和v4l2。本文主要是关于v4l的编程。利用v4l API获取视频图像一般有以下几步:
a> 打开设备
b> 设置设备的属性,比如图像的亮度,对比度等等
c> 设定传输格式和传输方式
d> 开始传输数据,一般是一个循环,用以连续的传输数据
e> 关闭设备
在video4linux API中定义了如下数据结构,详细的数据结构定义可以参考v4l API的文档,这里就编程中经常使用的数据结构作出说明。
typedef struct _v4ldevice
int fd; //设备号
struct video_capability capability;
struct video_channel channel[10];
struct video_picture picture;
struct video_clip clip;
struct video_window window;
struct video_capture capture;
struct video_buffer buffer;
struct video_mmap mmap;
struct video_mbuf mbuf;
struct video_unit unit;
unsigned char *map; //mmap方式获取数据时,数据的首地址
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
int frame;
int framestat[2];
int overlay;
* struct video_capability
name[32] Canonical name for this interface
type Type of interface
channels Number of radio/tv channels if appropriate
audios Number of audio devices if appropriate
maxwidth Maximum capture width in pixels
maxheight Maximum capture height in pixels
minwidth Minimum capture width in pixels
minheight Minimum capture height in pixels
这一个数据结构是包含了摄像头的属性,name是摄像头的名字,maxwidth maxheight是摄像头所能获取的最大图像大小,用橡素作单位。
int v4lgetcapability(v4ldevice *vd)
if(ioctl(vd->fd, VIDIOCGCAP, &(vd->capability)) < 0) {
return -1;
return 0;
* struct video_picture
brightness Picture brightness
hue Picture hue (colour only)
colour Picture colour (colour only)
contrast Picture contrast
whiteness The whiteness (greyscale only)
depth The capture depth (may need to match the frame buffer depth)
palette Reports the palette that should be used for this image
* struct video_mbuf
size The number of bytes to map
frames The number of frames
offsets The offset of each frame
int v4lgetmbuf(v4ldevice *vd)
if(ioctl(vd->fd, VIDIOCGMBUF, &(vd->mbuf))<0) {
return -1;
return 0;
unsigned char *v4lgetaddress(v4ldevice *vd)
return (vd->map + vd->mbuf.offsets[vd->frame]);
char* devicename="/dev/video0";
char* buffer;
v4ldevice device;
int width = 640;
int height = 480;
int frame = 0;
v4lopen("/dev/video0",&device); //打开设备
v4lgrabinit(&device,width,height); //初始化设备,定义获取的影像的大小
v4lmmap(&device); //内存映射
v4lgrabstart(&device,frame); //开始获取影像
v4lsync(&device,frame); //等待传完一帧
frame = (frame+1)%2; //下一帧的frame
v4lcapture(&device,frame); //获取下一帧
buffer = (char*)v4lgetaddress(&device);//得到这一帧的地址
//图像的大小为 width*height*3
int v4lopen(char *name, v4ldevice *vd)
int i;
if((vd->fd = open(name,O_RDWR)) < 0) {
return -1;
return -1;
int v4lgrabinit(v4ldevice *vd, int width, int height)
vd->mmap.width = width;
vd->mmap.height = height;
vd->mmap.format = vd->picture.palette;
vd->frame = 0;
vd->framestat[0] = 0;
vd->framestat[1] = 0;
return 0;
int v4lmmap(v4ldevice *vd)
return -1;
if((vd->map = mmap(0, vd->mbuf.size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, vd->fd, 0)) < 0) {
return -1;
return 0;
int v4lgrabstart(v4ldevice *vd, int frame)
vd->mmap.frame = frame;
if(ioctl(vd->fd, VIDIOCMCAPTURE, &(vd->mmap)) < 0) {
return -1;
vd->framestat[frame] = 1;
return 0;
int v4lsync(v4ldevice *vd, int frame)
if(ioctl(vd->fd, VIDIOCSYNC, &frame) < 0) {
return -1;
vd->framestat[frame] = 0;
return 0;
int c4lcapture(v4ldevice *vd, int frame)
vd->mmap.frame = frame;
if(ioctl(vd->fd, VIDIOCMCAPTURE, &(vd->mmap)) < 0) {
return -1;
vd->framestat[frame] = 1;
return 0;


一. 创建
#ifndef _ADD_H
#define _ADD_H
#ifdef SHARED
int (* addnum)(int a, int b);
#include "add.h"
int addnum(int a,int b){
int c=a+b;
return c;
gcc -c add.h addnum.c
gcc -shared -o addnum.so addnum.o
二. 使用动态链接库
/* main.c */
#define SOFILE "./addnum.so"
#define SHARED
int main(){
printf("Open Dynamic Lib!\n");
void *dp=dlopen(SOFILE,RTLD_LAZY);
int (*addnum)(int,int);
printf("Open Dynamic Lib Failed!\n");
return -1;
int a=10,b=20;
int c=addnum(a,b);
printf("The sum is : %d\n",c);
return 1;
gcc main.c -ldl -o main
The Sum is :30
addnum=(int (*)(int,int))dlsym(dp,"addnum")

Natural Image Matting

Composition Image I is generated by foreground and background with alpha matte

I = alpha*F + (1-alpha)*B

Matting is a problem to get alpha,F,B from a given image I.
User have to devide the image into three region: Foreground, Background and Unknown area. In foreground area, F = I, alpha = 1, B = 0; In background area, F = 0, alpha = 0, B = I. Our task is to get F,B,alpha in unknown area.
Consider a point P in unknown area, we have to first estimate F and B in point P.
After estimate F,B in point P, we estimate alpha by minimize a energy:

V = a*V(P) + b*V(P,Q) Q is 4-neighbor of P

V(P) = C - alpha*F - (1-alpha)*B^2

V(P,Q) = alpha(P) - alpha(Q)^2


Reference (All can be downloaded from Google)

  • Y.Chuang, B.Curless, DH.Salesin, R.Szeliski, A Bayesian Approcah to Digital Matting.
  • J.Sun, J.Jia, CK.Tang, HY.Shum, Poisson Matting.
  • A.Levin, D.Lischinski, Y.Weiss, A Closed Form Solution to Natural Image Matting.
  • J.Wang, MF.Cohen, An Iterative Optimization for Unified Image Segmentation and Matting.

Progressive Mesh Algorithm based on HalfEdge Mesh Structure


When storing, rendering, transmitting highly detailed mesh models, we may meet difficulty like slow speed or poor quality. In order to solve these problems, Hoppe introduced Progressive Mesh(PM) Representation, and this method has broad application in Mesh Simplification, Level-of-detail, Progressive Transmission, Mesh Compression, and so on. In this thesis, I realize PM algorithm in HalfEdge Mesh structure. Compared with general mesh structure, halfedge structure can improve many algorithms' arithmetic speed, and it's easy to obtain mesh topological structure by using halfedge mesh structure. This thesis consists of five parts. First, the background of PM will be given. Next, an interactive computer graphics platform which supports rotation, scaling, translation, selection will be introduced. 3D objects' mesh representation will be discussed in third part. In the fourth part, PM algorithm will be explained in detail. Discussion is the final of this thesis.

These are a part of results of undergraduate thesis, mainly use Progressive Mesh Algorithm to do Mesh Simplification.