
How to Use Taucs Under Windows

Taucs is a C library of sparse linear solvers.

First, you can visit here to get a copy of Taucs Source Code.

Compile Under Window
unzip the package you download from internet. Go in to the folder, first run configure.exe to generate a makefile. Then, type nmake in command line, taucs will be compiled and builded.

Programming with Taucs under Visual Studio
Here, I only present an example.

First, create a new project, and add taucs libs folder to the project. Then, type taucs libs in Property->Linker->Input->additional dependencies.

Second, you can use taucs librarys, in C++, you must include header files like this:
extern "C" {
#include "taucs.h"
#include "taucs_private.h"

1 条评论:

  1. it's really good,thanks for your information, it helps very much.
